
Please feel free to reach out if you would like to see the full version of any of these works with the original music.


Air Bird

Made in collaboration with Nikita Rabbitt, Brianne Corbridge, and Michael Palmer.

Air Bird is an original evening-length work featuring new compositions in dance, music, and theater. The work is centered around themes of communication, toxicity, abuse, longing, hesitation, societal expectations, gender roles, and how these dynamics affect our relationships with ourselves and others. Through this work we aim to bring performance art back into the experimental space of social commentary and invite viewers to explore relationships in their own lives in a personal and socio-emotional way.

Selected Sections

This section was made in collaboration with Nikita Rabbitt.

The End Epoch

This piece is a science fiction interpretation of what could happen if we did nothing to stop climate change and reached the point of civilization collapse. It begins with a group navigating shifting social structures and an increasingly hostile environment and finishes more on the fiction side of science fiction, with the experiences of a pair of siblings hundreds of years later as something mysterious is released from the melting ice caps.



A jökulhlaup is a type of glacial flood. Meltwater builds up underneath a glacier until the water pressure becomes too great for the ice to hold it back causing an abrupt outpouring of water from the glacier.

In this piece I explored a physical environment as a way of depicting my exploration and thoughts surrounding what gender is, and what gender means to me.


The Human Paradox

This is an excerpt of a larger piece that explores human nature and its contradictions. I am fascinated by human nature because it is so paradoxical. In this section of the piece, I focused on how humans relate to the environment. Many of our actions harm the world we live on, but due to how natural systems are set up, the harm we cause will eventually be returned to us unless we change our relationship to the environment.


Upcoming Works

ILLUMINATE contemporary dance concert

February 10, 2024

Ames City Auditorium

520 6th St, Ames, IA 50010